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Paintings of flowers with dew
By Juan Bernal
Waterlily with dew droplets, water droplets, dew

Pink Waterlily

Oil on canvas 72 x 72 inches
Lotus with dew drops

An artist should let his brushes do the talking, the work should speak for itself.


If it needs a written explanation, and the concept being more important than the image, then it becomes literature and there is no need to see the image, it can be "told" by phone.

“Rose with Dew”

Oil on canvas ( Fragment) 36 x 48  inches
White rose with ant
Rocio, gotas de agua, gotas de rocio y hormiga
Red waterlily and water droplets

“Red Waterliy”

Oil on canvas, 48 x 48 inches
Dew on red flower

“…not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these."

Luke 12:27:28

“Anemona Coronaria”

Oil on canvas, 40 x 40 inches
Red flower with water droplets
Water droplet on red flower, dew on poppie
Pink orchid, paintings of nature


Oil on pannel, 7 x 7 inches
Pink orchid with dew

“Purple Waterlily”

Oil on canvas, 24 x 48 inches
Dew on purple flower
Purple Waterlily, nature's landscapes
Dragonfly on a flower, blue waterlily

"Waterliy and Dragonfly”

Oil on canvas, 48 x 48 inches
Dragonfly on blue waterlily

"Black Waterliy”

Oil on canvas, 48 x 48 inches
Loto negro con rocio
Black flower waterlily with dew
Yellow flower with water droplets

“Magnifying Droplets”

Oil on canvas, 36 x 48 inches
Dew drops on sunflower

“Magnifying Droplets”


Oil on canvas, 36 x 48 inches
Water dropletr
Water droplets on a flower


Paintings of flowers with dew
Pinturas con rocio
By Juan Bernal

Flowers, which are the reproductive organs of flowering plants, are among the most beautiful gifts given to us by Mother Nature.  There are more than 270.000 types of flowers, long been admired and used by humans to bring beauty to their surroundings and also as objects of ritual, religion, medicine, a source of food, romance and expressions of many other feelings.

Flowers attract pollinators with their scent, nectar, pollen and color.  Some, like certain types of orchids, even use mimicry to seduce them, producing flowers that resemble females in shape, color and scent tricking the male into copulating with it, ensuring that pollen grains are transferred by the pollinator when it visits the next flower. They have developed a symbiosis, which means that they depend on each other for their survival.  Although flowers are attached to the plant, they “travel” large distances with their perfumes, a silent but persistent call to their pollinators. 

These scents have always captivated men who have used them as the basis for essences and perfumes.


Ah! If I just could capture the hues, shades and nuances of their fragrances in my work! “The enchanted breath...”

 West Palm Beach, Royal Palm Beach and Wellington, Florida
E-mail:            Ph. 703 587 0600

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