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Images of water droplets
Imagenes de gotas de agua
Oil paintings by Juan Bernal
Painting of water droplets on grass leaves

Dew II

Rocio II

Oil on canvas, 48 x 72 inches
Blades of grass with dew

To transform physical materials such as pigments and oils into spiritual feelings and emotions, the work must be done not only with your hands and mind but also with your heart.


Oil on canvas, 24 x 78 inches
Dew drops on leaves
Oil painting of grass leaves and dew
Painting of nature


Oil on canvas, 74 x 58 inches
Drop of water falling fron a leaf


Oil on canvas, 59 x 71 inches
Rocio en hojas de hierba
Rocio, gotas de agua sobre hojas de hierba
Dew, water droplets,Humidity, droplets of water

Dew V

Rocio 5

Oil on canvas, 52 x 36 inches
Moisture on green leaves


Oil on canvas, 48 x 60 inches
Gotas de agua sobre hojas verdes
Water droplets, dew, condensation of humidity on grass
Dew drops, water droplets, dripping from leaves of grass


Oil on wood, 24 x 36 inches
Drops of moisture on grass

Hoja de Loto y Gotas de Agua

Oil on canvas, 36 x 48 inches
Water droplet on a waterlily leaf
Droplet of water, hoja de loto y gota de agua
Gota de agua y rayo de luz

Water Droplet and Light Ray

Gota de Agua y Rayo de Luz

Oil on canvas, 4 x 6 inches
Gota de rocio y rayo de luz

Landscape in a Water Droplet

Paisaje en Una Gota de Agua

Oil on wood, 7 x 5 inches
Moisture on a green leave
Landscape inside a water droplet
Waterfalls inside a waterdroplet
Oil on canvas 30 x 40 inches
Landscape of waterfalls insise a droplet

Waterfalls inside a Waterdroplet

Glittering Droplets

Oil on canvas 48 x 48 inches
 droplets on a Tylancia bloom

Kisses of Rain

Oil on canvas 48 x 48 inches
Water droplets on a Ox tongue bloom

Illuminating Dew

Oil on canvas 24 x 48 inches
Water droplets on a Ox tongue bloom


Paintings of flowers with dew

By Juan Bernal


Flowers are the sexuall reproductive organs of the flowering plants, are among the most beautiful gifts given to us by Mother Nature.

There are more than 270.000 types of flowers, that have long been admired and used by humans to bring beauty to their surroundings and also as objects of ritual, religion, medicine, a source of food, romance and expressions of many other feelings.

Flowers attract pollinators with their scent, nectar, pollen and color. Some, like certain types of orchids, even use mimicry to seduce them, producing flowers that resemble females in shape, color and scent, tricking the male into copulating with it, ensuring that pollen grains are transferred by the pollinator when it visits the next flower. They have developed a symbiosis, which means that they depend on each other for their survival.

Although flowers are attached to the plant, their messages travel large distances with their perfumes, a silent but persistent call to their pollinators.These scents have always captivated men, who have used them as the basis for essences and perfumes.


 West Palm Beach, Royal Palm Beach and Wellington, Florida
E-mail:            Ph. 703 587 0600

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